Diccionarios Gratuitos













Diccionario médico
Diccionario Enciclopédico
Lengua inglesa
1 non-technical either member of several pairs of symbols, {oab} {cab}, { }, ( ), [ ], used to group together or enclose words, figures, etc. See also angle bracket, brace ( noun 5), parenthesis, square bracket.
2 (usu in compounds ) a group or category falling within a certain range income bracket out of my price bracket .
3 an L-shaped piece of metal or strong plastic, used for attaching shelves, etc to walls.
4 a small shelf fastened to a wall.
5 archit a small projecting support, usually of stonework, eg in the form of a scroll.
verb (bracketed , bracketing )
1 to enclose or group together (words, etc) in brackets.
2 (usu bracket someone or something together) to put them or it into the same group or category.
[16c as noun 5: from French braguette , ultimately from Latin bracae breeches]

brackets 1. round brackets or parentheses || These separate a comment off from the rest of the sentence: Applications (six copies) should be lodged with the Vice-Chancellor by 1 October. The novels of Neil Gunn (1891?1973) have enjoyed a recent revival of critical interest. Punctuation that belongs to the bracketed comment goes inside the brackets; punctuation belonging to the sentence as a whole goes outside the brackets: ? This has caused a lot of pain (mental and physical). ? This has caused a lot of pain (mental and physical.) ? (This has caused a lot of pain, mental and physical.) Avoid inserting a bracketed full sentence into another sentence: ? The new regulations (six copies are enclosed for Board members) have been issued to all departments . ? The new regulations have been issued to all departments. (Six copies are enclosed for Board members.) ? The new regulations (six copies of which are enclosed for Board members) have been issued to all departments. Where a bracketed full sentence does occur within another sentence, note that there is no capital letter and no full stop, but that there may be a question mark or exclamation mark: Jean Jones (have you seen her in action?) is the new club champion. || They are an economical way of indicating alternatives or options: Any candidate(s) must be formally proposed and seconded by two Club members. || They enclose numbers or letters that mark off items in a list: This project needs to be (1) carefully researched and (2) adequately funded. 2. square brackets || These enclose letters, words or phrases inserted as comments, corrections or explanations into a piece of quoted text, for example by an editor: He [St Stephen] was the earliest Christian martyr. [St Stephen] was the earliest Christian martyr.

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