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Lengua inglesa
verb (past tense drew , past participle drawn , present participle drawing )
1 tr & intr to make a picture of something or someone, especially with a pencil.
2 to pull out, take out or extract something draw water from a well with swords drawn .
3 intr to move or proceed steadily in a specified direction draw nearer .
4 to pull someone along or into a particular position drawing her closer to him .
5 to open or close (curtains).
6 to attract (eg attention or criticism).
7 tr & intr (also draw with someone) to end (a game) with neither side winning; to finish on equal terms with (an opponent).
8 to choose or be given as the result of random selection.
9 to arrive at or infer (a conclusion).
10 a intr (also draw on) to suck air (through a cigarette);
b said of a chimney: to make air flow through a fire, allowing burning.
11 technical said of a ship: to require (a certain depth of water) to float.
12 intr said of tea: to brew or infuse.
13 to disembowel hanged, drawn and quartered .
14 to write (a cheque).
15 golf to hit (the ball) too much to the left if right-handed, or too much to the right if left-handed.
16 bowls
a to deliver (a bowl) so that it moves in a curve to the point aimed for;
b intr to move in a curve to the point aimed for.
17 bridge to force one's opponents to play (all their cards of a suit, especially trumps) by continually leading cards of that suit.
18 billiards , etc to hit (the cue ball) so that it recoils after striking another ball.
1 a result in which neither side is the winner; a tie.
2 a the making of a random selection, eg of the winners of a competition;
b a competition with winners chosen at random.
3 the potential to attract many people, or a person or thing having this.
4 the act of drawing a gun.
[Anglo-Saxon dragan ]
be drawn on something to be persuaded to talk or give information about it.
draw a blank to get no result.
draw the line to fix a limit, eg on one's actions or tolerance.
draw back to retreat; to recoil.
draw back from something to refuse to become involved in it; to avoid commitment.
draw in said of nights: to start earlier, making days shorter.
draw on something to make use of assets from a fund or source draw on reserves of energy .
draw someone out to encourage them to be less shy or reserved.
draw something out to make it last a long time or longer than necessary.
draw up to come to a halt.
draw oneself up to lift oneself into an upright position; to straighten up.
draw something up to plan and write (a contract or other document).
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